Peter la Cour, Ph.D., cand.psych., specialist in health psychology

Personal data
Born 25-5-1954. Student 1972. Married, 2 children. Cand. psych. 1980 from University of Copenhagen.
Specialist in health psychology by Danish Board of Health 2003
Ph.D. in Psychology of Religion 2009
2022 – Professor adjunct, MF, Vitenskabelig Høyskole, Oslo
2020 – Associated with Klinik Mehlsen as health psychologist
2019 – Self-employed
2018 – 2019 Center for Complex Symptoms, Frederiksberg Hospital, Copenhagen
2013 – 2018 Leader of Knowledge Center for functional diseases, Psychiatry Copenhagen
2008 – 2013 Clinical psychologist at Multidisciplinary Pain Center, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen
2011 – 2011 Associate professor. University of Southern Denmark, Health, Man and Society. (5 month)
2007 – 2007 Post doc, Centre for research in existence and society, Inst of Sociology, University of Copenhagen
2006 – 2006 Post doc, ½ time Inst. of Public Health, ½ time research priority area “Religion in the 21st century” University of Copenhagen
2000 – 2005 Assistant professor, Inst. of Public Health, Department of Health Psychology, University of Copenhagen
1999 – 2000 Research adjunct, Inst. of Public Health, Department of Health Psychology, University of Copenhagen
1999 – 2001 Extern lector, Roskilde University Center (Psychology)
1994 – 1999 Folk high school teacher, Krogerup Højskole. Specialties: Psychology and religion
1989 – 1994 Clinical psychologist, Hvidovre Hospital Psychiatric Ward. 91-92, 93-94 function as head of department
1989 – 1989 Funded research. Psychological examination and interviews with HIV-positive
1986 – 1989 Clinical psychologist at Clinical Psychological Department, Skt. Hans Hospital
1986 – 1999 Lecturer at Medical Psychology, Panum Instituttet, University of Copenhagen
1985 – 1986 Clinical psychologist, Rigshospitalets Psychiatric Ward
1982 – 1983 Clinical psychologist at Clinical Psychological Department, Skt. Hans Hospital
Psychotherapeutic education
Theory: 1983 – 1994 participated and leading weekly educational programs in psychiatric wards (“Psychotherapeutic seminars”)
Supervision received: 1983 – ca 1987 received systematic supervision, later when needed and in relation to special courses, arrangements, supervisors.
Therapy received: Individual therapy, level 1-2 x weekly for one year (1992-3). Courses in group therapy, systemic therapy, narrative therapy, CAT, ACT, existential therapy, etc.
Supervision given: 1987 till now given supervision to psychologist, physicians under training. Supervision of nursing ward in both individually as millieutherapeutic/socio-paedagogical sequences. Authorized as supervisor at the specialist training for psychiatrists 1990.
Selected seminars–congresses–lectures
The biopsychosocial model revised: Introducing the four dimensional model of health. European Psychology Conference, Moscow, juli 2019
Perceived injustice among chronic pain and somatic symptom-patients in Denmark. European Association for Psychosomatic Medicine. Luleå, Sverige. Juni 2016
Mindfulness and chronic pain. Short term and long term effects. IAPR, Istanbul, August 2015
Mindfulness and chronic pain. What is next step? European Association for Psychosomatic Medicine. Nürnberg, juli 2015
Conversion. Conference: Mening livssyn og helse, Honne, Norge, september 2013
Clinical perspectives and methods following the SoMe Framework. International conference for Psychology of Religion, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 2013
The Pain Acceptance q-sort. International conference for Psychology of Religion, Bari, Italy, August 2011
What is the meaning od the word “spirituality”? International conference for Psychology of Religion, Bari, Italy, August 2011
Six meanings of the word “spirituality” in a secular region. Marts 2011, Prag
Reconsidering survival and church attendance in modern Denmark- an invitation to creative thinking + Taking both secular, spiritual and religious meaning making seriously. Conference host together with N. Chr. Hvidt: Research in faith and health in secular society. Maj 2010, University of Southern Denmark
Research on Meaning-Making and Health in Secular Society: Secular, Spiritual and Religious Existential Orientations. European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health Maj, 2010 • Bern
Conceptual Issues in Research on Meaning Making and Health in Secular Societies: Religious, Spiritual and Secular Existential Orientation. International congress for psychology of religion, august 2009, Wien
Illness and changes in worldview: Taking the needs of the patients seriously. European Conference on Religion, Spirituality and Health Maj, 2008 • Bern
The Nature, extend and place of spirituality in Danish health care settings. Ph.D.-kursus, Syddansk Universitet, September 2007
Existential and religious issues when admitted to hospital in a secular society: Patterns of change. Copenhagen Conference on Religion in the 21st century, september 2007
Atheism in the foxholes? Patterns between illness and religiousness in a secular setting. Internationale kongres for religionspsykologi, august 2006, Leuwen, Belgien
Gender differences in associations of religiosity and mortality. Forskningskonference. Co-ordination for Gender Studies, Copenhagen University. Oktober 2004
Attachment theory, church attendance and self-reported religiosity. Konference. One hundred years of psychology of religion. Amsterdam, 27. maj 2003
HIV and cognitiv dysfunktion. Selskabet for psykologer der arbejder med HIV og AIDS (Dansk Psykologforening), dec 1994
Aids and ethics. Dansk Psykologforenings Årsmøde 1993, Odense.
Honorary office
Member of the board, Dansk Sundhedspsykologisk Selskab, 2019 –
Member of the board, International Association for the Psychology of Religion, 2015 –
Kræftens Bekæmpelses Psykosociale Forskningsudvalg 2015 – 2021
Staff-student committee for the education in Public Health, University of Copenhagen 2003 – 2006
Evaluation team for the education in Public Health, University of Copenhagen 2003 – 2006
Steering committee of University of Copenhagen research priority area: “Religion in the 21st century” 2003-2006
Steering committee for “Forum for existential psychology and therapy” 1999 – 2006
Steering committee for Christiansø Museum 2003 – 2010
Christiansø parochial church council 2002 – 2014
Have reviewed for (among others)
Social Science and Medicine
Journal for Individual Differences
Psychology, Health and Medicine
Pain Medicine
International journal for the Psychology of Religion
Archives for the Psychology of Religion
Mental Health, Religion and Culture
Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion
Journal for Clinical Rheumatology
Health Psychology
Clinical Health Promotion Crisis
Scandinavian journal of Psychology
The journal of alternative and complementary medicine
Research on Aging
International Journal of Psychiatry in Clinical Practice
Tidsskrift for Sygdom og Sundhed
Psyke og Logos