Publication list

The list is divided in 1) Academic articles and book chapters 2) Other academic publication 3) Other publication.
The list is in reverse chronological order.
Blue text can be downloaded directly.
86. “Meaning in life after cancer: Validation of the sources of meaning card
method among participants in cancer rehabilitation” VICTORIA H. SØRENSEN, AIDA H. ANDERSEN, TONNY ANDERSEN, ANNETTE RASMUSSEN,
MARIA AAGESEN, TATJANA SCHNELL, HEIDI F. PEDERSEN, PETER LA COUR and NINA ROTTMANN. Scandinavian journal of Psychology, First published: 02 July 2024.
85. “The most severely ill patients with ME/CFS in Denmark” Peter la Cour. Cogent Public Health, 2024, vol 11(1).
84. “Mental health of Scandinavians during the first lockdown in the COVID‐19 pandemic: Psychosocial resources and coping strategies as protective or risk factors for anxiety and depression” Heidi F. Pedersen, Tobias K. Stripp, Niels C. Hvidt, Tor-Arne Isene, Peter la Cour, Gry Stålsett, Lars J. Danbolt. Scandinavian journal of Psychology 2023. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.1291183. “De sværest ME-syge i Danmark” 2022. Report on severe ill ME-patients (Danish)
82. “Concerning Psychological and Existential Health” Book chapter in English in: “Ta vare. En bok om diakoni, sjelesorg og eksistensiell helse” 2022 Editors: Anne Austad og Lars Johan Danbolt (ed). Side 15 – 29. VID vitenskapelige høgskole, Oslo.
81. “Cannabis-based medicines and medical cannabis for patients with neuropathic pain and other pain disorders: Nationwide register-based pharmacoepidemiologic comparison with propensity score matched controls” Hjorthøj C, La Cour P, Nordentoft M, Posselt CM. European Journal of Pain 2022;26:480–491
80. “A randomized controlled trial of the Sources of Meaning Card Method: A new meaning-oriented approach predicts depression, anxiety, pain acceptance, and crisis of meaning in chronic pain patients.” Böhmer, M., la Cour, P., & Schnell, T. Pain Medicine 2022 Feb 1;23(2):314-325. doi: 10.1093/pm/pnab321
79. “Livsmening, krise og optimisme under Covid 19-epidemiens første nedlukning” (Meaning in life, crisis and optimism) Heidi Frølund Pedersen og Peter la Cour. I Religionsvidenskabeligt Tidsskrift nr 72 (2021): “COVID-19 – Religion trivsel og eksistens”, s 99-115
78. “Helbred og trivsel” (Health and well-being). Peter la Cour and Heidi Frølund Pedersen. In: Religionsvidenskabeligt tidsskrift nr 72 (2021): “COVID-19 – Religion, trivsel og eksistens”, s 89-98
77. “Hvad er vedvarende uforklarede fysiske symptomer?” (What is persistent unexplained physical symptoms) Peter la Cour. Book, 210 s. FADLS Forlag 2021
76. “Meaning of “the existential” in a secular country: A survey study” NC Hvidt, E Assing Hvidt, P la Cour. Journal of Religion and Health 2021 61:4, (2021), 3276-3301, 61(4)
75. “My private theory is that it’s all in the head”: Understandings of chronic widespread pain among social workers from municipality centers in Denmark. Rikke Schultz, Peter la Cour, Marius Brostrøm and Annette Sofie Davidsen. Health Psychology Open, January-June 2021: 1-9. DOI:10.1177/2055102921995367
74 “Presentation of the Sources of Meaning Card Method: The SoMeCaM“ Peter la Cour and Tatjana Schnell. Journal of Humanistic Psychology. Vol 20, issue 1, p 20-42, 2020 English, German and Danish sets of cards with instructions can be bought. Go to
73 “Between three chairs: Experiences of being a patient with chronic widespread pain in an intersectoral setting in Denmark” Rikke Schultz, Marius Brostrøm Kousgaard, Peter la Cour and Annette Sofie Davidsen. Health Psychology Open, January-June 2019: 1–10. DOI: 10.1177/2055102919852500
72 “Psykologisk smertebehandling”. (Psychological pain treatment) Chapter 6.12 in “Smerter. Baggrund, evidens og behandling” ed. M Werner, N Finnerup and L Arendt-Nielsen, p 656-691. FADLs forlag 2019
71 “Smertepsykologi”. (Psychology of pain) Chapter 2.6 in “Smerter. Baggrund, evidens og behandling” ed. M Werner, N Finnerup and L Arendt-Nielsen, p 112-131. FADLs forlag 2019.
70 “The Sources of Meaning and Meaning in Life Questionnaire in the Norwegian Context: Relations to Mental Health, Quality of life, and Self-Efficacy” Sørensen T, la Cour P, Danbolt L, Stifoss-Hanssen H, Lien L, DeMarinis, Petersen, H F, Schnell, T. The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 2018 pp: 1-1469
69 “What brings meaning to life in a highly secular society? A study on sources of meaning among Danes.” Pedersen H, Birkeland M, Jensen J, Schnell T, Hvidt N, la Cour P. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 2018 vol: 59 (6) pp: 678-690
68 “Von der Tiefe im Leben sprechen. Erkenntnisse der empirischen Sinnforschung und Exploration von Lebensbedeutungen mit der LeBe-Kartenmethode.” Schnell, T. & La Cour, P. Wege zum Menschen, 2018; 70; 1–2, p-33-4867
67 “Funktionelle neurologiske bevægeforstyrrelser” (Functional neurologic movements disorders) Peter Arlien Søborg , Lis Albrechtsen , Hans Henrik Olsen & Peter la Cour. Ugeskrift for Læger 2017;179:V0417029566
66 “Comparison of patients diagnosed with “complex pain” and “somatoform pain””. Scandinavian journal of Pain. Volumen 17, October 2017, Pages 49-5265
65 “Patienten med kroniske smerter” (The patient with chronic pain). Chapter 38 in ”Grundbog i psykiatri”. 2 ed. Ed: Erik Simonsen and Bo Møhl. Hans Reitzel 2017
64 “Sundhed og det hele menneske” (Health and the whole person) Book chapter in: Livet efter væksten – samfundsvisioner i en omstillingstid. NOAH, Hovedland, København 2016
63 “The Psychological Well-Being-Post-Traumatic Changes Questionnaire: Validation of the Danish version” Peter la Cour, Anni Brit Sternhagen Nielsen, Søren Bo Andersen, Trine Madsen. Traumatology, vol 22,4, p 271-277, 2016.
62 “HPV-bivirkninger og psykologens mulige arbejde” (HPV-side effects and the possible work for psychologists) P – psykologernes fagmagasin. Psykologi og viden. 29 februar 2016
61 “Mindfulness – what works for whom? Referral, feasibility, and patient perspectives regarding patients with mixed chronic pain.” Marian Petersen og Peter la Cour. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. April 2016, 22(4): 298-305. doi:10.1089/acm.2015.0310
60 “Religious transformation among Danish pentecostals following personal crisis and group therapy: A qualitative study.” DT Viftrup, P la Cour, N Buus, NC Hvidt – Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health (2016) 18:1 p 1-2360
59. “Funktionelle lidelser. Sygdom, psyke og soma” (Functional disease. Illness, psyche and soma) Psyke og Logos, nr 2 2015, p 151-170
58. “Validation of the Danish language Injustice Experience Questionnaire” Peter la Cour, Anne Agerskov Smith, Rikke Schultz. Journal of Health Psychology 11/2015; DOI:10.1177/1359105315616178
57 “Validation of the Danish-Language Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire” Peter la Cour and Jette. Højsted. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 59 (2015) 1377–1386 DOI: 10.1111/aas.12567
56. “Religion, socialitet og sindslidelse” (Religion, sociality and mental disease) Chapter 10 in “Det sociales betydning for mennesker med sindslidelser” ed. Benny Lihme. P. 258-281. Akademisk Forlag, 2015
55. “Effects of mindfulness meditation on chronic pain: A randomized controlled trail”. Peter la Cour and Marian C. Petersen. Pain Medicine 2015; 16: 641–652. DOI: 10.1111/pme.12605
54. “Religionspsykologi forfra” (Psychology of religion from the top) Psykologisk Set nr 93, 2014 s 5-12
53. “Non-Suicidal Self-Injury and Indirect Self-Harm Among Danish High School Students”. Bo Møhl, Peter la Cour, Annika Skandsen. Scandinavian Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology Vol. 2(1):11-18 (2014)
52. ”Tro og alvorlig sygdom – om forskningen i nordisk kontekst” (Faith and serious illness – on research in Nordic context) Kapitel 22 i: ”Religionspsykologi” edited by af L. Danbolt, L. Engedal, H, Stifoss-Hanssen, K. Hestad and L. Lien. Gyldendal Nordisk 2014
51. ”Religiøs omvendelse” (Religious conversion) Kapitel 17 i: ”Religionspsykologi” edited by L. Danbolt, L. Engedal, H, Stifoss-Hanssen, K. Hestad og L. Lien. Gyldendal Nordisk 2014
50. ”Den religiøse tros udvikling” (The development of religious faith) Kapitel 12 i: ”Religionspsykologi” edited by L. Danbolt, L. Engedal, H, Stifoss-Hanssen, K. Hestad og L. Lien. Gyldendal Nordisk 2014
49. “Understanding of the word “spirituality” by Danish clergy compared to lay people: An empirical study” Peter la Cour and with Povl Götke. Journal of Health Care Chaplaincy 18:97–109, 2012
48. “Sinnsuche und Gesundheit in Skadinavien” (Meaning making and health: Why and how). Spiritual Care. Zeitschrift für Spiritualität in den Gesundheitsberufen, 2012, 2, 66-73
47. ”Six understandings of the word ”spirituality” in a secular region” Peter la Cour, N. Ausker and NC Hvidt. Archives for the Psychology of Religion, 2012, 34, 63-81
46. “The Clinical Pain Acceptance Q-sort. A tool for assessment and facilitation of pain acceptance” Psychology, Health & Medicine 2012 Vol 17, no 5 611-620DOWNLOAD: Q-sort cards in printable version. DOWNLOAD: Instructions and score sheet
45. ”Sundhed, kriser og stress” (Health, crisis, stress). Book chapter on health psychology in “Klassisk og moderne psykologisk teori. 2 reviderede udgave” Editors: Boje Katzenelson og Benny Karpatschof. Hans Reitzel Forlag, 2011, s. 656-676
44. ”Går fanden i kloster, når han bliver gammel? Religiøsitet i lyset af sociale og psykologiske forhold” (Will the devil enter a monastry when he gets old? Religiosity in the light of social and psychological conditions.) Peter Andersen, Nadja Ausker, Peter la Cour. Book chapeter in: ”Små og store forandringer. Danskernes værdier siden 1981”. Redaktion Peter Gundelach. Reitzel forlag 2011
43. “Religionspsykologi og klientarbejde” (Psychology of religion and clinical work). Theoretical article. Psykolognyt 2010, nr 21 s 10 – 16
42. ”Research on Meaning-Making and Health in Secular Societies: Secular Existential, Spiritual and Religious Orientations.”Method-theoretical work. Peter la Cour and Niels Christian Hvidt. Social Science & Medicine 71 (2010) 1292-1299
41. ”Religiøs coping” (Religious coping) Book chapter in: ’Tro og omsorg/etik i et multikulturelt sundheds- og socialvæsen’ Editors: L. Rasmussen, M. Kastrup og N. Baig. Hans Reitzels Forlag 2010
40. ”Elementer til en moderne, dansk religionspsykologi” (Elements for a modern, Danish psychology of religion) Ph.d. thesis. University of Copenhagen 2009
39.”Rheumatology and Complementary-Alternative Medicine: A Qualitative Study of Patient’s Experiences.” Qualitative study of rheumatology patients’ use of alternative treatments. Journal of Clinical Rheumatology. 14(6):332-337, December 2008
38. “Jagten efter punkt nul, hvorfra verden kan beskrives. Om god og dårlig psykologisk videnskab med eksempler fra religionspsykologien” (Chasing the point zero from where the world can be described: On good and bad psychological science) Psyke og Logos nr 1, 2008, s191-213
37. ”Nogle kritiske vinkler på EBM – logikken.” (Critical viewpoints on the EBM-attitude – a discussion of evidence-based medicine in psychology and psychiatry) Bo Møhl og Peter la Cour. Psyke og Logos nr 1, 2008, s 126-151
36. “Existential and religious issues when admitted to hospital in a secular society: Patterns of change” Kvantitativ undersøgelse af sygdom og religiøsitet. Mental Health, Religion & Culture 2008, vol 11, s 769-782
35. “Danish patients intensify existential thoughts and religious life” (“Danske patienter intensiverer eksistentielle tanker og religiøst liv”). Nadja Ausker, Peter la Cour, Christian Busch, Henning Nabe Nielsen, Lotte Petersen. Ugeskrift for Læger 2008, 170/21 s. 1828-33. (Peer reviewed)
34.”Psyke og Logos – temanummer om religionspsykologi” (Psyche and Logos—special issue on the Psychology of Religion. Editor and introduction. Together with Jan Tønnesvang. Psyke og Logos Nr 2, 2007, s 645-648
33. ”På frugterne skal I kende det – ikke på rødderne”. Kort om religionspsykologiens historie. (By the fruits you shall know it—not by thew roots. Short on the history of psychology of religion) The History of psychology of religion. Psyke og Logos nr 2, 2007, s 649-674
32. “Konversion psykologisk set – klassisk og moderne- og klassisk igen” (Conversion, the psychological perspective: Classic and new—and classic again). Ed. Mogens Mogensen og John Damsager. Univers 2007
31.“Moderne sundhedsopfattelser, stress og kriser” (Modern health concepts, stress and crisis) Chapter in “Klassisk og moderne psykologisk teori” Ed. Boje Katzenelson og Benny Karpatschof. Hans Reitzel Forlag, 2007, s. 514-533
30. “Hvad betyder den ny viden om hjerne for, hvordan vi forstår os selv som borgere og patienter: Sætter den nyere hjerneforskning menneskesynet under pres?” (What does new knowledge about the brain do to our understanding of ourselves as citizens and patients: Do brain research stress our view on being human?) Chapter in Teknologirådsrapport. Teknologirådets Rapporter 2006/3 s 87 – 91
29. “Neuropsychological Assessment with the Visual Gestalt Test: Psychometric Properties and Differential Diagnostic Probabilities” Peter la Cour and Ruth Andersen. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 2006, 47, 1 – 8
28. “Livstemaer i eksistenspsykologisk perspektiv” (Life Themes in Existential Perspective) Book. Editor together with Bjarne Jacobsen, Bjarne Sode Funch. Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2006
27. “Du store himmel” (Great heaven) – on religion as them in life. Chapter 1 “Livstemaer i eksistenspsykologisk perspektiv” (Life Themes in existential perspective) Hans Reitzels Forlag, 2006
26. “Religion and survival in a secular region. A twenty-year follow-up of 734 Danish adults born in 1914″ Quantitative research. Peter la Cour, Kirsten Avlund and Kirsten Schultz Larsen. Social Science and Medicine 2006, 62, 1, 157-164
25. “Religiøs modenhed set i forhold til tid og sundhed” (Religious maturity seen in the light of time and health) Psyke og Logos, 2005, 26, 523-542
24. “Danskernes Gud i krise” (The God of the Danes during crisis) Book chapter in “Gudstro i Danmark”. Ed: Morten Højgaard og Hans Raun Iversen. Forlaget Anis. November 2005
23. “Religiøsitet: Symptom eller ressource?” (Religiosity: Symptom or ressource?) Psyke og Logos 2004, 25, s 392-95
22. “Forholdet mellem religion og helbred” (The relationship between religion and health) Book chapter in: “Kan tro flytte bjerge?” Ed. Christoffer Johansen og Niels Christian Hvidt. s.120 -135.Gyldendal 2004
21. “Drømmen om det bio-teknologiske fix: Tilpasningsmedicin” (The dream of the bio-medical fix: Adjustment medicine) Chapter in Teknologirådsrapport. Teknologirådets Rapporter 2004/3 s 63-68.
20. “Religion og attachment: En kritisk oversigt over teorier og empiriske fund” (Religion and attachment: A critical review of theories and findings) Psyke og Logos, 2003, 24, 759-77
19. “Malum exclusum – malum inclusum. To væsensforskellige forhold til det onde” (Malum exclusum – malum inclusum. Two essential different relationships to evil) Psyke og Logos, 2003, 24, 48-71
18. Contributor: “Den store danske encyklopædi” (The Great Danish Encyclopaedia) Supplement issue. 2003. Ca. 3 normal pages, 9 articles
17. “En kritisk gennemgang af to skalaer til måling af depression i almen praksis” (A critical examination of two scales measuring depression in general practice) Hanne Thorsen, Peter la Cour og John Brodersen. Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning 2003;81, 361-71
16. “Spørgeskemaer og strukturerede spørgsmålstests” (Questionnaires and structured question tests) Hanne Thorsen, Peter la Cour, John Brodersen og Frans B. Waldorff. Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning 2003; 81, 317-20
15. “Gyldendals leksikon 1-3” (Gyldendals lexicon) Contributor with all psychology-relevant articles. Ca 60 normal pages, 515 articles. April 2002
14. “The Psychological Defences of Danish Medical Students” Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 190: 22-26, 2002
13. “Lægekunst og eksistentielle spørgsmål” (The art of healing and existential questions) Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning nr 6 1999 s 799-804
12. “Psykoterapi og sjælesorg” (Psychotherapy and pastoral care) Psykologisk Set, 15,29, sept 98, s12 – 19
11. “De eksistentielle områder er overset i det moderne sundhedsvæsen” (The existential dimensions are neclegted in the modern health care system) Ugeskrift for Læger nr 36, 1997 s. 5418-26
10. “Til forsvar for menneskets sjæl” (In defence of human soul) Agrippa nr 1-2 1996 s 72-78
9. “At læse William James i 1995″ (Reading William James in 1995) Præsteforeningens Blad, nr 41, 1995 s 865-868
8. “Brugernes syn på hospitalspsykiatrien. Et pilotprojekt om brugerevaluering som informationskilde og metode” (The users view on hospital psychiatry) Peter la Cour, Marianne Lau, Søren Bredkjær og Lis Zabinski. Agrippa 1993, nr 3-4 s216-230
7. “Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test. Præsentation og vurdering af en ny psykologisk prøve.” (Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test. Presentation and evaluation of a new psychological test)Peter la Cour og Kate Gallagher. Nordisk Psykologi 1990 vol. 42 (2), 130-141
6. “At leve med HIV/AIDS. Psykologiske funktioner hos langvarigt smittede.” (Living with HIV/AIDS. Psychological functions in long-term carriers) Månedsskrift for Praktisk Lægegerning, nr 4 1990, s 295-308
5. “HIV – AIDS – Psykologens arbejde. En orientering. Del II.” (HIV—AIDS—the challenge for the psychologist. Part 2) Dansk Psykolognyt nr 15, 1989 s456-459. Peter la Cour, Paul Gandil and Birgit Bruun Rasmussen
4. “HIV – AIDS – Psykologens arbejde. En orientering. Del I. “(HIV—AIDS—the challenge for the psychologist. Part 1) Dansk Psykolognyt nr 13, 1989 s388-391. Peter la Cour, Paul Gandil and Birgit Bruun Rasmussen
3. “Psykologisk funktionsmåde hos HIV-positive” (Psychological functioning in HIV-positives) Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning. November 1987, nr 11, s 775-88
2. “Neuropsykologiske normalmaterialer. Om overdiagnosticering og underdiagnosticering.” (Neuropsychological norms: Concerning overdiagnosis and underdiagnosis Dansk PsykologNyt nr 16, 1987, s518-20. Peter la Cour, Yrsa Lund og Ruth Andersen
1. “Neuropsykologisk normalmateriale?” (Neuropsychological norms?) Dansk PsykologNyt nr 11, 1987, s 372-73. Peter la Cour og Yrsa Lund
“Psykolog og forsker: sundhedsstyrelsen svigter personer med kronisk træthedssyndrom” (Danish national health board betrays persons with ME) Cronicle, Kristeligt Dagblad 10.2.2022
“Sådan bliver vi klogere om senfølger af covid-19” (How we get wiser on post-Covid) Chronicle. Politiken. Jesper Mehlsen, Rikke Katrine Jentoft Olsen og Peter la Cour 9.6.2021
“Ryd op i skraldespandsdiagnosen” (Clean up the trash can diagnosis) Cronicle. Weekendavisen 12.3.2021
“Sundhedspsykolog: Vores tilgang til ME må gøres fuldstændig om” (Health psychologist: Our perspective on ME must be totally redone) Chronicle. Kristeligt dagblad 17. januar 2020
“Der er ikke forskel mellem patienter med somatisk versus psykiatrisk smertediagnose” BestPractice marts 2019
“Vækstlogikken gør kroppen til en biologisk maskine“ (Logic of growth makes the body a biological machine) Cronicle, Information 16. december 2016
Semantics and Psychology of Spirituality: A Cross-Cultural Analysis . Edited by Heinz Streib and Ralph W. Hood, Jr. Book review. International journal for the Psychology of religion. august 2016
“Accept af kroniske smerter – byt spørgeskema valideret på dansk” (Acceptance of chronic pain – new questionnaire validated in Danish). Best Practice july 2016
“Psykoterapi og eksistentiel fænomenologi” (Psychotherapy and existential phenomenology) Book review, Magasinet P, 20 april 2016
”Ondt i livet”(Pain in life?) Chronicle on functional diseases. Weekendavisen 28.2.2014
”Den bioteknogiske personlighed vinder frem”(The bio-technological personality is on its way) Kronik. Information 14.1.2011
”Smertelig kassetænkning” (Painful money-thinking) Comment. Information 20.10.2010
”As good as it gets. Empirical based theology” Review of Danbolt and Stifoss-Hansen: Gråte min sang. Nordic journal of Religion and Society, 2009, nr 2.
“Introduktion til musikterapi” (Introduction to Music Therapy) Review of Darnley-Smith and Paleys book. Psyke og Logos 2007, 1, s594-596
“Religion and longitivity in Denmark – religious and secular societies are not that different.” European Network of Research on Religion, Spirituality and Health. Newsletter July 2007
“Kroppen som fremmedlegeme” (The body as a foreign part) Politiken 11.6.06
“Denmark – a country just nearby?” “Psycho-Social News,” Australien, maj 2006
“Attachment, Evolution, and the Psychology og Religion” Review. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 2006, 16(2), 145 – 146
“Danskernes Gud i sygdom og krise” (God of the Danes during illness and crisis) Kristeligt Dagblad 28.1.2005
“Brug og misbrug af SSRI – tilpasningsmedicin?” (Use and abuse of SSRI—adjustment medicine?) “PsykiatriInformation”nr 2, 2004 s. 8 – 10
“Bed en bøn. Livsværdier, religion og helbred” (Pray a prayer. Life values, religion and health)“ Videncenter på ældreområdet” 7 nr 2, June 2004 s 10-11
“Gads Psykologileksikon. Bjerg J.” Review in Ugeskrift for læger, 2004 166/ 22, s 2188
“Hvad er datid og hvad er nutid?” (What is present, what is past?) Review of “Psykodynamisk leksikon” Psyke og Logos, 2003, 24, 457-61
“Hvad man ikke ved om tro” (What we do not know about faith) Jyllandsposten 31.7.03
“Wackerhausen, S. Humanisme, professionsidentitet og uddannelse – i sundhedsområdet.” Review. Ugeskrift for læger 2002;164/50, s 5960
“Hvad er “korrekt depressionsdiagnose”?” (What is correct diagnosis of depression?) Korrespondance. John Brodersen, Peter la Cour and Hanne Thorsen. Ugeskrift for læger, 2002;164:4086
“Mudderkastning” (Mud throwing) Debate. Ugeskrift for Læger 2001, 163 s. 6614
“Tro og helse” (Faith and Health) Lørdagskroniken, Politiken 17.11.2001
“Fader vor” (Our Father in Heaven) Informations videnskabsside 4.9.2000
“Eksistentiel psykoterapi” Psykiatri Information, 2, 2000, s 14-16
“I videnskabens hellige navn” (In the holy name of science) Videnskabssiden i Information 3.4.2000
“Se dog stjernerne!” (Do see the stars!) Information 23.8.99
“Liverfaringens anatomi” (The atonomy of life experience) Psyke og Logos nr 1, 99 s. 290-293.
“Ubegavet spørgeskema” (Nononse questionnairre) Psykiatri Information nr 4/98 s 21
“Sandere end andre” (More true than other) Information 24.10.98
“Videnskabelig gudelære” (Science as God) Information 14.10.98
“At jeg er her er et brutalt, uforklarligt faktum.” (Being here is a brutal, unexplanible fact) Anmeldelse. Højskolebladet 28/1998 s 10 – 11
“PsykiatriFonden og højskolen” (The Psychiatry Fund and the Folk High School) Anmeldelse. Højskolebladet 17/1998 s 12-14
“Og om lidt er Prozac’en klar” (In a little while the Prozac is ready) Kronik. Information 28.1.98. Om SSRI-forbruget
“Autoritære patriarker” (Authoritorian patriarcs) Weekendavisen 2.1.1998
“Ateisme og agnosticisme” (Atheism and Agnosticism) Artikel i “Unitaren” nr 5 1997, s 10-15
“Let læst Jung til tekst- og billedanalyse” (Easy read Jung for text– and picture analysis) Anmeldelse, Højskolebladet nr 12, 1997, s 192
“Hjerneår uden hjerne” (Year of the Brain—without Brain) Kommentar om hjerneåret. Information 12.2.1997
“Nye bøger om psykologi” (New Books on Psychology) Bogorientering om den psykoanalytiske bevægelse og bevidsthed. Højskolebladet nr 29, 1996, 461-462
“Hvem er i dybeste forstand subjektet?” (In the deepest sense: Who is the subject?) Anmeldelse. Højskolebladet nr 4 1996, 59-60
“Elendig dogmatik” (Miserable dogmatics) Kronik. Information 28.10.1995. Om ateisme og agnosticisme
“Naturvidenskabelig megalomani” (Science Megalomania) Agrippa nr 1-2, 1994 s 109 – 111. Videnskabsdiskussion
“Gen – Opstand(else)” (Gene—resurrection) Kronik. Information 12.10.1994. Together with Steen Nepper Larsen
“Diagnostik af præsenil demens” (Diagnostics of pre-senile dementia) Ugeskrift for læger 153/11 1991 799-800
“Psykologi og AIDS fra en givtig vinkel” (Psychology and AIDS from a fruitfull angle) Anmeldelse. Nordisk Psykologi, 1990 (4), s 299-301
“Lad dømmesygen være fordømt….” (Let judgement mentality be judged) Anmeldelse. Dansk Psykolognyt nr 23, 1990 s 838-839
“Vær venlig at flytte Guds rige tilbage hvor det lå.” (Please place the Kingdom of God where it belongs) Kronik, Information 25-5-1990, om den nye bibeloversættelse
“At leve med HIV/AIDS. Psykologiske funktioner hos langvarigt smittede.” (To live with HIV/AIDS. Psychological functioning in long term contaminated) Nordisk Psykologi 1989 (2) s 153-55. Projektorientering
“Hjernemedicin” (Brain-medicine) Dansk Psykolognyt nr. 3 1989. Anmeldelse
“Fra det kemiske univers” (From the Chemical Univers) Dansk Psykolognyt nr. 1 1989. Anmeldelse
“Useriøs dansk AIDS-politik” (Non-serious Danish AIDS-policy) Politiken 26-10-88. Debatoplæg. Sammen med Paul Gandil, Birgit Bruun Rasmussen og Mimi Strange
“Vores liv skal ikke vejes på de veltilpassedes vægtskål” (Our lives shall not be weighted on the Scale of the well adjusted) Kronik i Information 17 oktober 1988 om livskvalitetsbegrebet. Peter la Cour, Ruth Andersen og Yrsa Lund
“Om registrering af livskvalitet” (On the registration of life quality) Månedsskrift for praktisk lægegerning. Maj 1988. Videnskabsdiskussion. Peter la Cour og psykolog Yrsa Lund
“Forstanden og angsten” (Rationality and Fear) Kronik i Information 14 marts 1988 om AIDS
“Evigheden” (Eternity) Kronik i Det fri Aktuelt 21 september 1987. Peter la Cour og Yrsa Lund
“Kristendom og psykoanalyse” (Christianity and Psychoanalysis) Svar til Mogens Jacobsen, Information 11 februar 1987
“Psykologi og kristendom” (Psychology and Christianity) Kronik i Information 9 januar 1987. Peter la Cour og Yrsa Lund
“I enhjørningens verden – en cyberantologi” (World of the Unicorn—a Cyberantology) Af Sanne Stemann Knudsen. Bidragyder med kapitler fra “Netspinderne”
“Demokrati – 40 indlæg” (Democracy – 40 tongues) Antologi. Debatbog om demokrati. Forlaget Krogerup 1996. Redaktør sammen med Steen Nepper Larsen og Søren Bald
“Internettet – kun for nørder med en utømmelig pengepung? Idealer og realiteter.” (The internet—only for nerds with lots of money?) Kronik. ComputerWold maj 1996
“Netspinderne” (Netspinners), science fiction, novel published 25.11.1995. Forlaget Klim. Peter la Cour og Bernt Stubbe Østergaard
“Fjerneren” (The television) Information 28.7.1994. Essay
“Ånden og naturen – eller omvendt” (The Spirit and Nature—and vice versa) Information 1.7.1992. Humoristic essay on child upbringing